Tampa Fishing Charters Latest Report:
Redfish and Snook Fishing Charters:
Just to keep everyone up to date, the FWC (Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission) has put a temporary catch and release program in place for snook and redfish through May of 2019. This is due to the first off the red tide that is sweeping through the gulf waters and killing millions of fish and also due to low levels of fish, especially redfish, in our waters. We can still go out on redfish and snook fishing charters, we just have to practice catch and release.

Redfish Kisses
If you are on the hunt to take some fish home during a snook fishing charter with Capt. Jay, there are still plenty of trout, mackerel, and mangrove snappers to go around. During our last few trips, clients have come home with a nice bag of fillets for dinner. I actually went out the other day and kept two mangrove snapper for dinner. They were very tasty and I think under rated. We can also still go out and catch snook and reds; however we have to let the go for a while.

Mangrove Snappers
During recent snook fishing charters, we have been catching good numbers of snook, trout, and mangrove snappers. Yesterday we also had a chance at a very nice cobia, but he got away to live another day. Fall weather is right around the corner which means awesome fishing and cool weather. As usual, I am on the water early gathering up plenty of bait for us to use. Normal pickup time is around 8:00 or 9:00 in the morning. Capt. Jay provides a cooler with ice, waters, and various gatorade type drinks.
To book your Tampa fishing charter, call or text Capt Jay at 813-494-2048 or send me an email Jay@StealthFishingCharters.com. We look forward to fishing with you soon.