Tampa Fishing Charters Latest Report:
As everyone knows, this latest cold front has changed to outlook for fishing. Last week we were still netting live bait and catching good numbers of snook and trout. Now we can plan on stopping by our local bait store for some shrimp in order to catch sheepshead, ladyfish, trout, maybe some smaller redfish, etc. Basically the Snook Fishing Tampa Bay will come to a halt until the water temperatures climb back up into the upper 60’s.
This is also a good time of the year to maintain your equipment. Starting with the basics, you can clean and oil your fishing reels and re-spool them if necessary. Also, take inventory of your tackle and make sure you are prepared for your next season. This is also a great time to fix any problems with your trailer such as making sure the lights work and filling the hubs with marine grease. While we are at it, might as well get your boat motor serviced.
Snook Fishing Tampa Bay:
Before this latest cold front, the snook bite was pretty good as long as you could find some live bait. I recently took out Matt and Ryan along with Matt’s sons Tommy and David. The morning started a little slow, but we eventually located a bunch of snook and the boys had a blast catching them.

David killing the snook

Tommy’s arms are getting tired
Eco Tour:
With the colder weather coming in, we can always end the trip with a little manatee viewing. The last time I went by the local power plant we must have counted 50-60 manatees in the area. There are also plenty of sharks and sting rays to look at while we are there. Lets hope the weather does not get too cold so we do not loose any fish like we did during the last big cold spell.
To book a charter either call or text Capt. Jay at (813) 494-2048. Also, gift certificates are available for the holiday season. Tight lines and have a wonderful 2018.

Wintertime Manatee